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Re: IPTABLES configuration for tarsnap

On Wed, September 28, 2011 1:20 pm, Max Hennig wrote:
> Hello,
> I have configured my iptables rules the following way:
> $FW -A INPUT -i eth0 -p tcp --dport 9279 -m state --state
> $FW -A OUTPUT -o eth0 -p tcp --sport 9279 -m state --state
> As the port 9279 was described somewhere on the tarsnap website but I
> can't find it anymore. It looks like I was missing something as these
> rules do not seem to be enough because I still get errors from tarsnap
> saying:
> tarsnap: Too many network failures
> Does anyone know what exactly is required by tarsnap or maybe send me
> his iptables configuration (only those parts regarding tarsnap).

How quickly do you get those errors?  That's tarsnap's generic 'network
problems' error, and the problem could be anywhere between you and the
remote server.  (I even get the feeling that it doesn't have to be
*anywhere* in particular: I'm not sure the failure count resets after any
amount of time, so if you are uploading a large enough backup set, even
normal amounts of network errors will eventually cause this.)

Daniel T. Staal

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