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Re: Anyone seeing a $1.50 foreign transaction fee?
2013/1/31 Luís Avelino Relógio <tarsnap.mac1.lar@relogio.eu>:
> It's a service that generates a set of Card number + expiration date + cvv2
> for each transaction. The merchant operates with that set as with any other.
> The service responds as expected as long as there is no change of merchant
> or transaction id and a transaction limit value is note reached. One gets
> one new set for each transaction.
Interesting. In my bank ([1]) virtual visa cards have same set of card
number + expiration date + cvv2 until they expire. I guess it depends
on bank. Sorry about OT.
[1] http://www.ing.lu/web/ING/EN/Personal/Loan/Creditcards/PAYER_CYBERCARD_EN
Krzysztof Warzecha