Yes that worked. Glad to know I'm not being charged for backing up
the entire internet. Phew. :-) # tarsnap --print-stats Total size Compressed size All archives 18446744073707640646 18446744073707637982 (unique data) 18446744073707640646 18446744073707637982 # tarsnap --version tarsnap 1.0.26 # tarsnap --fsck Phase 1: Verifying metadata validity Phase 2: Verifying metadata/metaindex consistency Phase 3: Reading chunk list Phase 4: Verifying archive completeness Phase 5: Removing unreferenced chunks # tarsnap --print-stats Total size Compressed size All archives 0 0 (unique data) 0 0 On 11/02/14 10:21, Andreas Olsson wrote: