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Re: what is the purpose of a checkpoint?

--As of May 6, 2014 6:51:26 PM +0300, Ali Khalfan is alleged to have said:

I tried to backup a directory using an archive called sample  using
"tarsnap -c -f sample /home/user/dir1".

Later I send a USR2 signal and then break the backup using ^C.  When I
run the same tarsnap command again, I get an error saying it already
exists as sample.part.

What should I do in this case?  how do i continue the backup on the
.part file since I've been running the backup for days, I'm assuming
there is something on the server.

--As for the rest, it is mine.

What you need to do is change the name of the archive - nothing else.  So:
`tarsnap -c -f newsample /home/user/dir1`

Tarsnap will deduplicate any data that's already been sent, so it acts as if you continued the same backup.

Daniel T. Staal

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