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Re: Exclude patterns

On 06/29/2014 07:48, Bob Williams wrote:

But how is maintaining a list of paths/files to be excluded in
/root/excludes different to maintaining a similar list in
/usr/local/etc/tarsnap.conf ?

*** It's different in that root/excludes is only one particular excludes file - to be used when backing up /root. Every other directory hierarchy that I back up can have its own excludes file. Three years from now when I
have to maintain the thing, it will be easier to find an excludes file
that's next to the data being excluded. For one thing, I'll have totally forgotten about /usr/local/etc/tarsnap.conf. Or did I stick it in /etc? Or /usr/etc? Also, each hierarchy may have its own needs with regard to the type of files being excluded. In one hierarchy, I may want to exclude all .pdf files, because they're program output. In another one, the .pdf files may be irreplaceable gold. My editor saves backups in the form of *~. So it might make sense to exclude that in the global file. But if some program elsewhere uses *~ files for something else, I might bang my head against the wall - Why doesn't it work?!? Why won't it back up???? - for a significant time before remembering
about /usr/local/etc/tarsnap.conf.

                     - Jerry