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Re: Backing up streams (subversion/mysql dump)

Somehow I missed the original email...

On 01/08/15 21:32, Daniel Parks wrote:
> I'm afraid I haven't had a chance to test this with tarsnap, but typically the way to do this is with mkfifo, which creates a named pipe (a FIFO: First In First Out). An example from memory:
> $ mkfifo mysqldump.sql
> $ mysqldump mydb  > db.sql &
> $ tarsnap -cf myarchive db.sql
> Tarsnap should read the output of mysqldump and store it as db.sql. The db.sql named pipe on disk doesn't contain the data from mysqldump; if you try to read it again it will hang waiting for input from another process.

This doesn't work; tarsnap doesn't archive fifos.

>> On Jan 3, 2015, at 9:27 AM, Philipp Riegger <lists@anderedomain.de> wrote:
>> I am looking for a backup solution for mysql databases and subversion
>> repositories. I think it would be more interesting to backup the dumps
>> from "svnadmin dump" and the corresponding mysql command.
>> Saving the dumps each time wastes a lot of disk space (and produces a
>> lot of unnecessary disk IO). Is there a way to save streams (or data
>> from stdin)? Since data from stdin has no timestamp and no user/group
>> information, maybe there is a way to create a fake tar file from stdin
>> and pipe that to tarsnap? I did some searching on the internet and read
>> the man page. This does not seem to be possible at the moment. Is that
>> correct?

You can't pipe data into tarsnap.  The reason for this is that tarsnap uses
the tar format internally, and so it needs to know the size of a file before
it starts to read the file data.

You can pipe an archive into tarsnap (e.g., `... | tarsnap -c -f foo @-`) but
this doesn't really solve the problem -- you need to know the amount of data
you're going to stream in before you start streaming the data, in order to
create the necessary archive header for tarsnap.

Colin Percival
Security Officer Emeritus, FreeBSD | The power to serve
Founder, Tarsnap | www.tarsnap.com | Online backups for the truly paranoid