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Re: Ability to tell what has changed

On Aug 23, 2015, Garance AE Drosehn <gadcode@earthlink.net> wrote:
>> On Aug 22, 2015, at 6:42 PM, Garance AE Drosehn <gadcode@earthlink.net> wrote:
>>> Is there any way that tarsnap would tell me which files
>>> have new data, at least when I'm doing a dry-run?  [...]
> I looked through some earlier messages to this mailing list, and
> I'm going to adapt the idea that Hugo Osvaldo Barrera described
> in January 2015 on "How I keep track of file additions/removals".

How about some way that tarsnap would tell me all the filenames
that it will include in the archive?  This time I don't mean the
ones which have "New data", but all of the filenames which would
be included in "This Archive"?

Consider that for some archives I might specify a number of filters
(such as "skip all .jpeg files"), and if I write a script to keep
track of files, then that script should ignore all the same files
which tarsnap itself will ignore.  The same thing issue comes up
with options like "-n", "--newer", "--nodump", etc.  And some of
those options might be specified in the tarsnap config files.  I'd
rather tarsnap gave the script a list of filenames, instead of
trying to re-implement all of tarsnap's selection mechanism in
my script.

Maybe call the option --dry-run-listing

One tricky part might be how '-C' processing would effect what
tarsnap lists to the script.

Garance Alistair Drosehn            =  gadcode@earthlink.net
Senior Systems Programmer           or       gad@FreeBSD.org