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Re: some new user questions

On 10/28/24 09:09, void wrote:
In tcsh, I'm testing some systems with --dry-run and --exclude like this:

% tarsnap --dry-run --no-default-config --exclude "*.{iso,img,tar,zst}" -- print-stats --humanize-numbers -v -c /home/void

but if an iso is present, it's displayed in the output.
Or is it the case that it's displayed but not processed?
The time taken suggested it was being processed.

Globbing is particularly full of pitfalls.  Does it work if you specify
    --exclude '*.iso' --exclude '*.img' --exclude '*.tar' --exclude '*.zst'
separately?  (Also make sure your shell isn't resolving the globbing itself.)

Colin Percival
FreeBSD Release Engineering Lead & EC2 platform maintainer
Founder, Tarsnap | www.tarsnap.com | Online backups for the truly paranoid