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Re: Miscompilation under strict C aliasing rules

Thanks for the report, and to all discussion about this!

We fixed this in scrypt over a month ago:
    2022-04-01 scrypt: Fix strict aliasing

but it occurred to me that I should add something for the benefit of the email
archives.  The above commit fixes both the SSE2 and non-SSE2 code.  If anybody
is interested in the detailed discussion,

You mentioned that looping over bytes (instead of uint32_t *) could end up
being faster (with a modern compiler).  I did find that to be true (+3% on
clang, +7.5% on gcc), but that was for running non-SSE2 code on an x86 system.
We decided not to make that change, since it complicated the code somewhat,
and approximately 0% of x86 users should use non-SSE2 code, and we would need
to benchmark a range of different non-x86 systems (and compilers) to get a
sense of the effects of such a change.  If anybody is curious about this, the
commit is available:

- Graham Percival

On Thu, Feb 24, 2022 at 09:42:06AM +0100, Quentin Carbonneaux wrote:
> Hi,
> Yesterday evening my archival tool started refusing correct
> passphrases. A bit of debugging revealed a difference of
> behavior in the blockmix_salsa8() function when compiled
> with GCC 11.2.0 (straight from the Debian package) with
> optimization flags -O3.
> Here is the offending assembly:
>    0x00005555555b6fdf <+351>:   mov    (%rbx),%r14
> A) 0x00005555555b6fe2 <+354>:   xor    0x40(%r12),%r14
>    0x00005555555b6fe7 <+359>:   mov    %rbx,%rdi
> B) 0x00005555555b6fea <+362>:   mov    %r14,(%rbx)
>    0x00005555555b6fed <+365>:   mov    0x48(%r12),%rax
>    0x00005555555b6ff2 <+370>:   xor    %rax,0x8(%rbx)
>    0x00005555555b6ff6 <+374>:   mov    0x50(%r12),%rax
>    0x00005555555b6ffb <+379>:   xor    %rax,0x10(%rbx)
>    0x00005555555b6fff <+383>:   mov    0x58(%r12),%rax
>    0x00005555555b7004 <+388>:   xor    %rax,0x18(%rbx)
>    0x00005555555b7008 <+392>:   mov    0x60(%r12),%rax
>    0x00005555555b700d <+397>:   xor    %rax,0x20(%rbx)
>    0x00005555555b7011 <+401>:   mov    0x68(%r12),%rax
>    0x00005555555b7016 <+406>:   xor    %rax,0x28(%rbx)
>    0x00005555555b701a <+410>:   mov    0x70(%r12),%rax
>    0x00005555555b701f <+415>:   xor    %rax,0x30(%rbx)
>    0x00005555555b7023 <+419>:   mov    0x78(%r12),%rax
>    0x00005555555b7028 <+424>:   xor    %rax,0x38(%rbx)
> C) 0x00005555555b702c <+428>:   call   0x5555555b6b40 <salsa20_8>
>    0x00005555555b7031 <+433>:   mov    -0x58(%rbp),%rdi
>    0x00005555555b7035 <+437>:   mov    -0x48(%rbp),%rcx
>    0x00005555555b7039 <+441>:   mov    %r12,-0x50(%rbp)
>    0x00005555555b703d <+445>:   mov    -0x38(%rbp),%rsi
> D) 0x00005555555b7041 <+449>:   mov    %r14,(%rdi,%rcx,4)
> The root of the problem is that the store B) resulting
> from inlining blkxor() line 134 of blockmix_salsa8 [0]
> is forwarded to D). And this despite the call C).
> This effectively results in a dysfunctional implementation
> of the primitive.
> The compiler is technically allowed to forward the store
> because blkcpy (and also blkxor) breaks the strict aliasing
> rules of C. (See 6.5.7. in the C99 standard, for example.)
> On my end, I will replace blkcpy() with memcpy() and have
> blkxor() act on bytes. I hope this can be fixed upstream
> as well.
> Cheers!
> [0] https://github.com/Tarsnap/scrypt/blob/6154fe1ab139a30a733ef4f831ef0912c8b11b6e/lib/crypto/crypto_scrypt_smix.c