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Re: Exclude patterns

--As of June 29, 2014 6:40:39 PM -0700, jerry is alleged to have said:

The one major thing is that you never close your big if statement
(`if ( -e $excludes_filename )`).  I think that means this will work
fine until the first time you run it on a directory without an
excludes file - when it will silently do nothing.

*** Actually, that "if" is closed, just above the bottom foreach.
If there is no excludes file, it simply executes tarsnap, passing
it all the original ARGV stuff.

Nope. Ignore your indents, and actually check the balancing. The last parens there closes the upper foreach, not the if. You need another parens. ;) (perltidy or a code editor is your friend here.)

If you do close it there, it will work like you think it does. But because you haven't, the if doesn't close until the end of the file, meaning everything is conditional on the presence of the exclude file.

    However, I do notice that I repeated the "delete leading and trailing
spaces" stuff. Also, one of the regexes looks a little bogus.  I swear,
sometimes I look at stuff I wrote and wonder how it worked at all. :)

I noticed the repeated cleanup as well. I think the regrexes work, though there are a couple that could probably be improved. You aren't actually *using* Data::Dumper. You don't actually need a newline on $tarsnap_cmd. And since you never use `$num_excludes`, there's no reason to slurp the file. But those are all minor issues. ;) I've seen *far* worse. ;)

Daniel T. Staal

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