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Re: Debian packaging for spiped

sön 2012-11-18 klockan 00:12 +0200 skrev Peter Pentchev:
> Wow...  I haven't taken a look at your packaging yet, but it seems that
> there has been a bit of a duplication of effort :)  I filed a Debian
> ITP (intent to package) bug on the same day spiped came out, and I'm
> almost ready with my package at http://gitorious.org/spiped/spiped :)
> (in general, an ITP bug in Debian is the proper way to notify others that
> somebody's working on a package, so that there's no duplication of work :)

Hey, that ITP wasn't there when I looked a week or so ago :) The reason
I myself didn't file a ITP was that I wanted something to show before
making any noice, not having done any previous Debian packaging.

Seems like the main difference being that you applied patches while I
applied workarounds.

Instead of 01-honor-destdir.patch I went with

Instead of 02-honor-compiler-flags.patch I put the CPPFLAGS within the
CFLAGS as well as used LDADD_EXTRA for the LDFLAGS.

I have no equivalent to 03-warnings.patch nor to 04-debian-build.patch.

// Andreas

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