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Re: Debian packaging for spiped

On 11/17/12 14:12, Peter Pentchev wrote:
> Wow...  I haven't taken a look at your packaging yet, but it seems that 
> there has been a bit of a duplication of effort :)  I filed a Debian ITP
> (intent to package) bug on the same day spiped came out, and I'm almost
> ready with my package at http://gitorious.org/spiped/spiped :)

Ultimately it's up to you Debian folks, but a few comments:

1. I agree with Andreas that setting compiler and linker flags in the
environment or make command line is better than patching the Makefiles...
after all, I specifically put bits in to let you do that.

2. Similarly, can you add -D_POSIX_C_SOURCE=200809L to CFLAGS instead of
patching source code?

3. I'll add an #ifdef #undef asprintf to my code, so in a future release
that will no longer be needed.  (I have no plans for future releases at
this time, but odds are that at some point one will happen.)

4. I'm happy with replacing cp/strip/chmod/mv with install -- I would have
used install myself except that it's not guaranteed to exist on POSIX.

Finally, can I convince one of you to contribute man pages back under the
two-clause BSD license so I can include them in a future release?

Colin Percival
Security Officer Emeritus, FreeBSD | The power to serve
Founder, Tarsnap | www.tarsnap.com | Online backups for the truly paranoid