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Re: Debian packaging for spiped

sön 2012-11-18 klockan 01:54 -0800 skrev Colin Percival:
> Finally, can I convince one of you to contribute man pages back under the
> two-clause BSD license so I can include them in a future release?

Well, you are more than welcome to use the man pages I put together.


For the stuff I created under ./debian/ I assigned a MIT/Expat
license[1]. Will that do, or do you want me to explicitly contribute
back under the two-clause BSD?

(On that note, I really do need to clarify somewhere that those man
pages are derivative works based on the corresponding README files.)

That said, my man pages are currently really a bare minimum. Before
using them I'd wait and see what Peter has put together.

// Andreas

[1]: https://github.com/andreaso/spiped-debian/blob/master/debian/copyright

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