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Re: Potential spiped 1.6.2 release -- please test

On Fri, Dec 10, 2021 at 02:52:31PM -0800, Graham Percival wrote:
> On Fri, Dec 10, 2021 at 11:38:50PM +0200, Peter Pentchev wrote:
> > So it turns out that the ARM AES feature uses vdupq_laneq_u32(), which
> > seems to be an A64-only instruction. This led to the build breaking on
> > the Debian armhf builder[0] (look for vdupq_laneq_u32 in the build log).
> Sorry!  I can't remember all the details, but it looks like my raspberry 4
> (which is capable of 64-bit, but runs in 32-bit mode in raspbian;
> uname -m reports armv7l) has gcc-8 as the default version, and that doesn't
> support ARM AES (at least with the flags that we test).

Absolutely no worries! Things like that are exactly why I uploaded this
prerelease version to the experimental distribution and not directly to
unstable - it's not unusual for stuff to break on architectures that
you don't test on all the time.

> I see that your build log uses gcc-9; and if I test it on my system with
> clang-9, I get the same error message.
> > What do you think about the two attached patches? The first one blocks
> > the ARM AES feature from being enabled on non-aarch64 ARM builders, and
> > the second one makes sure that the tests-output/ directory is removed
> > after "make clean".
> Both patches look suitable, but I'd like to take a look at replacing
> vdupq_laneq_u32 in non-aarch64.
> Based on a quick skim, it looks like vdupq_n_u32 is supported in v7 and A32,
> so I imagine that it would work.  (Disclaimer: it's been a few months since I
> did any ARM stuff.)

Unfortunately I have never really done any ARM stuff at all...
everything that I wrote above was stuff I learned today :)
So... would it be too lazy of me to ask for somebody who knows what
they're doing to provide at least a patch for testing? (I can test it
in a chroot on a porterbox without having to upload a whole new package)
I could possibly try to whip something up over the next couple of days,
but I cannot guarantee that it will actually make sense :)

Thanks for the quick response!


Peter Pentchev  roam@ringlet.net roam@debian.org pp@storpool.com
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